Thursday, June 13, 2019

Highlights from Our Penultimate Week!

Hello families,

Well our last full week of school was full of changes to our schedule and lots of special events. On Monday we met with Elizabeth Bleumie, a local author. On Tuesday we learned about water safety with Officer Jason and  Mike Cannon, Team Leader for Colchester Technical Rescue. On Wednesday we had 1st grade fun day where we did a fun activity in rotating stations led by each 1st grade teacher (big playground, chalk & icies, dance party, summer birthday cards). On Thursday we made gifts and cards for Father's Day. On Friday we performed our readers theaters that we've been practicing for the class!

Reading our last free book from the CliF: Year of the Book event!

Here are our Readers Theaters!

Hooray for Spring!

Stone Soup

The Best Pet

We also did a lot of work this week on our geometric memory quilt. Students designed their own representations of favorite first grade memories. They shared their representations with other students and made some changes. Then we made final copies and added color. Next we mounted them to create a "patchwork" design and put our quilt together. On Thursday we shared out with the whole class about our design and memory.

Here's our memory quilt!

Here is a video of most of the first graders presenting their quilt designs!
(Sorry the sound quality is pretty awful--live and learn!)
( )

We've now had our last Guidance, Library and Music classes for the year. In Library we used Mr. Gile's "Story Selector 3700" to reread a favorite book from the year! If you still have a library book at home please send it in on Monday to avoid late/lost fines!

Here is some information about our last week of school!

On Monday we will be cleaning up around the classroom and sending home a bunch of stuff. Please make sure to have your child bring their backpack (and maybe even an extra reusable or shopping bag)!

Next week we have an all-day all-school celebration on Tuesday. There are indoor and outdoor activities from 8:30-2:30 so make sure your child is ready! Sun screen, hats, water bottles and bug spray are a good idea!

On Wednesday students will learn who their second grade teacher will be and will visit their new class for Step-Up day. Then we'll have a little time together to wrap up our fantastic first grade year before an early dismissal at 11:00. Students will have a bagged lunch to take home next Wednesday.

Dates to Remember:

  • Monday 6/17 - Classroom Clean-up Day
  • Tuesday 6/18 - All School Celebration (rain or shine)
  • Wednesday 6/19 -  Step-Up Day 8:30 am 
  • Wednesday 6/19 - Last Day of School - 11:00 dismissal
Looking ahead!
  • Back the School BBQ is Thursday August 22nd  @ 5:30 -- come say hi to me and to your 2nd grade teacher!
  • 1st day of 2nd grade is Wed. August 28, 2019!

Have a great weekend!
❤ Mrs. Fox

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