Thursday, September 20, 2018

Highlights from a Great Week!

Hello families,

We have had such a fun week together. Our morning meetings are full of energy, sharing and learning about one another. We are learning our routines for getting setup for the day, talking about the calendar, and counting the days in school. We also focused on the social/emotional skill of asking for help this week. We talked about when we need to ask for help, how to ask for help, and role played to practice.

In reading we continued practicing read to myself and read to someone, gaining more and more stamina and reading more each day--past 10 minutes of sustained reading for each practice! We also focused on our volume, remembering to read using a whisper voice so as not to disturb others.

This week we visited the book fair and wrote our wish lists for books we found we liked. We also continued writing our Hopes and Dreams. Last week we wrote an academic goal: something we wanted to accomplish or learn about. This week we brainstormed and wrote a social goal: something we want to learn about doing or getting better at with people and friendships. We continued reading some books related to working towards our hopes and dreams. We read: Drawing Lessons from a Bear and Drum, Dream Girl.

In math we challenged ourselves to use what we've been learning about counting, organizing things into easy groups (5s, 10s), and representing numbers. We worked with partners for 2 days to count, organize and represent big collections of things: anywhere from 40-100 items! At first this was a big challenge but when we made a plan together as pairs and used our 10s Frames tools it really helped!

We also continue to learn routines and HEART expectations for places around the building (front office, nurse's office) and safety practices (fire drill, secure the building drill). The Fox Kits are doing a great job talking about and then modeling these expected behaviors.

We also played a fun team building game this week where we had to pass a ball around the circle without using our hands! We passed the ball using our: elbows, knees, and feet! It was hard but we encouraged each other saying "You can do it!" or "Give it a try!" or "Just do your best!" It was so funny and fun.

On Wednesday, our 15th day of school, we were excited to have filled our heart jar for the 2nd time this year already! This is just amazing. We celebrated on Thursday by having a craft/art project celebration.

This Friday, September 21st, is International Day of Peace. At J.F.K., we are participating in the Peace Crane Project, where students will create a paper crane, heart, or some other token of peace/thoughtfulness to send to our match school in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. On Wednesday we read the book Salam Alaikum: A Message of Peace by Harris J. This book is all about spreading peace and happiness to others. Then we made some 3-D hearts with colorful pictures and kind words to send as a part of the Peace Crane Project. On Friday we will bring them on our All School Meeting and put them in the box we will mail to our match school in Abu Dhabi. We look forward to seeing what messages of peace they send back to us!

Dates to Remember:
  • Early Release Wednesday 10/17 at 12:15
  • No School Friday 10/19
  • Picture Re-take Day 10/26

Have a great weekend!
❤ Mrs. Fox

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